Sophie Morris
Subtle occurrences and the evidence of human activity are the driving forces behind Sophie Morris’ work. The artist’s materials are attained through an unobtrusive observational rationale, wherein she documents inconspicuous objects and happenings. Her personal experiences are also a common point of reference within her practice.
Morris’ work manifests in a variety of mediums and disciplines. Some of her methods include layering, cutting and stitching latex, throwing molten wax and channelling her findings into creative writing. The process plays an integral role in the production of her work with repetitive procedures, often subconsciously, being the basis of her creations. Her intention is to invite the audience into her journey to the past.
What have you enjoyed most while studying at PCA?
The most enjoyable aspect of studying at PCA, for me, has been the genuine camaraderie within the Fine Art department. Being an artist can be isolating so having a creative community that I can turn to has been a really encouraging experience.
What are your future aspirations?
My intention throughout my entire education has been to get good at something so that I can use my skills to help others. I based my dissertation on the benefits of art with offenders and found it to be an extremely powerful supplement to reformation. Therefore, I would like to become an arts mentor for former offenders to offer continuing support upon their release back into society.
What is your artistic style?
My style is very fluid and versatile. I tend to adapt my disciplines and mediums to meet the concepts that I am trying to convey. One constant within my practice, however, is repetition. I tend to use repetitive processes to produce my work, it’s like I become obsessed with the matter in hand.
