Liberty Pering
Pering has been exploring themes of propaganda and social media, combining these two elements to discuss current issues. Some of the key elements she examines are: the terms and conditions, privacy, and controversies, as well as the language used on these sites.
Her practice involves using a large variety of mediums and techniques. Currently she has been creating works with Photoshop, combining her concepts with found imagery. This allows her to create thought provoking pieces that have deeper contextual meanings behind them.
What have you enjoyed most when studying at PCA?
The abroad experiences that have been offered to us. Doing these has allowed my understanding of the art world to expand exponentially, and they have also inspired me to explore new areas in my practice.
What are your future aspirations?
I want to continue to produce works and start exhibiting these pieces into local galleries, and I would also like to continue expanding my knowledge culturally through visiting many exhibitions across the globe.
What is your artistic style?
I primarily create paintings and drawings, however I do not limit myself to these mediums.